Friday, June 29, 2007

Advice, Suggestions, Comments, Resources, Etc

Okay - I just sent an email to some very special people! Some of them are ladies I have mentored, some are ladies who are wanting to experience a mentoring relationship, some are ladies who have mentored - formally or informally, all are ladies I deeply respect and admire. I asked them to add to this blog whatever they felt they could. So - hopefully they will. And hopefully it will be helpful and useful to anyone who reads it.

So, be sure to read whatever comments end up on any posts - for what others say will probably be far more valuable than what I have to share!!! :)

1 comment:

Granny Sue said...

Let me just say that there is no ministry more needed in our churches today than that of mentoring one another. It doesn't matter how long you have been a Christian, how much knowledge you think you may or may not have, what your personality type is, or how much time you have to devote either as a mentor or mentee, the need to have a woman or group of women you feel comfortable with and can confide in regarding all aspects of life as a Christian, is becoming more and more essential as our world becomes less and less what God designed it to be. To have a mentor or mentoring group is more than just for support - it challenges any Christian to build upon their relationship with God, their knowledge of Him, their daily walk with Him and their daily talk with Him. To have a mentor or mentoring group is to have one or more who sincerely love you and care about not only your relationship with God, though that is of utmost importance, but who care enough to share their knowledge of God, their time and their life experiences so that we don't feel so alone in our effort to be Godly women in an ungodly world.

I have seen the results of mentoring and I have seen the results of those who have never been mentored. Though we may have made it OK without being mentored, why would we choose to not be involved in a ministry that allows us to help someone else be who God wants them to be simply by sharing His Word and our experiences. Even today, as a grandmother of soon to be 10, a pastor's wife, and a Christian for 29 years, I benefit by having mentoring relationships both as the mentor and the mentee. I cherish the mentoring relationships I have with those older, wiser and more experienced than myself as well as those relationships where I am the older, wiser and more experienced one. Understand that older does not always imply physical age - older in a mentoring relationship very ofter is our Christian age and Christian maturity level.

Teri, as your mother, I am very proud of you for taking on the challenges that God sets before you with such enthusiam. We should all see you as a mentor in that area, that whenever God asks us to do something that goes beyond our comfort zone or cannot be accomplished overnight, that we accept His calling and allow Him to accomplish all things through us in His time and in His way.
